Getting Started

This page will help you get started with Movintracks.


Documentation is always work in progress

We enjoy writing documentation for our system so that you can build fantastic tools with it. This is always work in progress: we might occasionally add examples and fixes.

Some resources are not yet fully documented but they support all CRUD methods: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE

If you find any mistakes, please contact us at


Movintracks is a proximal marketing platform. You can create campaigns for devices using a dashboard. Campaigns launch actions (e.g. deliver a coupon, show a message, show an image, interact with a social network...) and are triggered when certain conditions are met (e.g. visit a point, when it's between 9am and 10.30am, after 15min in a point, etc).

The system has 3 parts: a web dashboard, a REST API and an SDK for Android and iOS.



Use the REST API to create campaigns automatically based on information in your CRM or database, to fetch statistics and raw data or even to make your own dashboard.

Build amazing things and tell us about them!

Use the web dashboard to create campaigns, points, zones and coupons amonst others. Integrate the SDK in your app to automagically enable the use of beacon technology. Use the API to interoperate with our system and save time.


SDK for Android and iOS

The SDK is available for Android and iOS. It's easy to integrate and enables your application to use beacon technology and marketing campaigns configured with Movintracks, either using the Dashboard or using the REST API.
There is even an endpoint in the API so that you know which is the latest version and where to download it.

Hint: there is an endpoint for the SDK.


The Movintracks API lets you create campaigns with triggers and actions. Actions (contents) of a campaign are launched when certain conditions (the triggers) are met.

Campaigns are linked to points, a virtual representation of places marked with beacons in a shop, museum or your facilities. Points belong to a zone, which is normally as big as a building and is represented with a center and a radius.

Example of actions: show a survey, show a message, open a URL (a landing page, Vimeo, Youtube, anything).
Examples of triggers: on visiting a point, if users is following me, if it's between 3-5pm.

Campaigns belong to apps, that have an API Key and a secret key. An app is a virtual representation of your mobile project. You can input there the bundle ID or package name, and any other details that help you identify it. And, of course, apps belong to you.

The API lets you perform CRUD operations on most of entities using HTTP verbs, like with any other REST API. Some others have limited access or are read only (e.g. statistics or information about the SDK).


Most resources support the standard REST methods GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE.

In case of doubt, you can also issue an OPTIONS request and it will return some more hints, although it isn't an exhaustive list of options.

Your dashboard user has privileges to operate with all resources but not to tamper with stats captured by devices.