Authentication Overview

All endpoints except root require authorization with oAuth2. You have to request a token and pass it in the header to all requests.
All communication goes through https. If you use http, you will be redirected to https.



Always use https with the Movintracks API

You can request a token with your favourite library which is, of course, requests, with HTTPie or with any other tool. You can use plain cURL but you'll be tired soon.


pip install httpie

HTTPie is a command line HTTP client, a user-friendly cURL replacement.
Install it with pip:
$ pip install httpie

$ http -f POST client_id=$MT_API_KEY grant_type=password username=$MT_USERNAME password=$MT_PASSWORD

You can find your client ID (the API Key) in your dashboard. It's a unique API key per application. You can use it to make requests using your favourite library, and the SDK will use it to talk to our system.

Subsequent requests will need the token you just got:

$ http "Authorization: Bearer $MT_TOKEN"

You can learn more about this in the following sections.